Saturday, July 5, 2008

Sunset of the midnight, at the tundra of Alaska.

This was taken at my grandmother's camping site at the tundra. We go there whenever we can to enjoy the out doors with families. This year for the first time, my son, Andrew took me egg hunting at my late grandmother's land.
My uncle, Ignati and wife, Marie, and her two grand kids, my late mother's brother, sisters and cousin went too. This really brought back good memories of my childhood memories. I have noticed though, that some of the lands are eroding and disappearing, but the camp site is still standing.
This picture was taken at sunset near that camp site. The reflection of the sunsetting on the lake, it reminded me of a cross pendant. I will not forget the days we have spent together like we use to in the past. I thank my son for taking us and bring us back safe.